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How prisons operate as total institutions, and how they produce and reproduce — rather than correct — a ‘criminal class.’

Pierre Bourdieu’s On the State, based on a three-year lecture course he taught at the Collège de France, was published earlier this year. Franck Poupeau interprets the book and makes us ask: what kind of self is needed to confront the social ills of the twenty-first century? And can the state—or at least Bourdieu—help us get there?

Because the history of Silicon Valley is so recent and its social implications so broad, social scientists have been slow to establish its empirical significance as an object for inquiry. We pry open, for critical analysis, the Pandora’s box of social forces contained in our smartphones, apps, and tablets.

What happens at the intersection of social life and the natural environment? Three essays – on the politics of climate change, California’s water crisis, and the economy of food waste – seek to provide answers and extend our analytical leverage.

In one of the world’s countries most affected by climate change, the struggle for sustainability is directly linked to the struggle for democracy. It remains an uphill battle. Despite the urgency of positive change, reform efforts are constantly—and sometimes violently—thwarted.